Hi, my name is Mane Torosyan.

I’m a Product Designer.

I enjoy creating immersive, impactful experiences that nurture connection.

Based in Los Angeles, CA

Image Source: Refik Anadol, Neural Paintings, 2023 https://refikanadol.com/works/neural-paintings

My Process

  • Learn and understand the goals, needs, and desires of our user.

    Conduct research and create human experiences.

  • Develop information architecture and user flows.

    Ensure intuitive navigation through user’s perspectives.

  • Create low-fidelity wireframes.

    Build interactive prototypes for testing.

  • Develop high-fidelity mockups.

    Define visual elements and ensure consistency.

  • Test prototypes with real users.

    Renew and improve based on feedback.

  • Collaborate with developers to bring the design to life.

    Launch the product and monitor for improvements.