Hi, my name is Mane Torosyan.
I’m a Product Designer.
I enjoy creating immersive, impactful experiences that nurture connection.
Based in Los Angeles, CA
Image Source: Refik Anadol, Neural Paintings, 2023 https://refikanadol.com/works/neural-paintings
My Process
Learn and understand the goals, needs, and desires of our user.
Conduct research and create human experiences.
Develop information architecture and user flows.
Ensure intuitive navigation through user’s perspectives.
Create low-fidelity wireframes.
Build interactive prototypes for testing.
Develop high-fidelity mockups.
Define visual elements and ensure consistency.
Test prototypes with real users.
Renew and improve based on feedback.
Collaborate with developers to bring the design to life.
Launch the product and monitor for improvements.